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Confederates in Congress: Heritage or Hate?   
by Edwin S. Grosvenor

Our research reveals that 19 artworks in the U.S. Capitol honor men who were Confederate officers or officials. What many of them said, and did, is truly despicable.

Ike's Excellent Adventure
by Bruce Watson

What the future president learned during a coast-to-coast military motor expedition would later transform America. 

In Memoriam: Sergei Khrushchev, 1935-2024
by Chase Brush

Half of what we know today about the leadership of the Soviet Union and the mindset of the Cold War era is due to the son of Nikita Khrushchev. 

15 Classic Books About Black History
by Gerald Early

From The Souls of Black Folk to The New Jim Crow, these texts are essential for anyone trying to understand the black experience in America. 

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Reader Responses: Confederates Honored by the U.S. Army
by Chase Brush | Mon, 06/15/2024 - 15:54
by Bruce Watson | Mon, 06/15/2024 - 11:18
How to Remember on Memorial Day
by Edwin S. Grosvenor | Sun, 05/24/2024 - 08:24
How George Washington Designed the Cabinet as the Most Important Governing Tool 
by Lindsay Chervinsky | Fri, 03/27/2024 - 10:50
When "So what? Everyone cheats" Wasn't an Excuse
by 让天行加速器免费 | Fri, 01/24/2024 - 11:44

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How a Lincoln-Douglass Debate Led to Historic Discovery, by Ted Mann Texting exchange by two professors led to Frederick Douglass letter on Emancipation Memorial
In 'Hamilton', Angelica Schuyler's husband is called 'not a lot of fun.' Here's his real story, by Daryl Austin GTA5免费领等等党大获全胜!Golink加速器为各位带来领取 ...:2021-6-15 · Golink加速器高端服务器的架设只为解决日常游戏中的所有疑难杂症,VIP高速下载通道助玩家极速下载无需漫长等待,下载注册即可体验邀请好友即可在 ...
How America’s Founding Fathers Missed a Chance to Abolish Slavery, by Michael Hirsh They swept the issue under the rug, and even Thomas Jefferson realized that civil war was inevitable before he died on July 4, 1826. But history could have taken a different direction.
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What is Juneteenth? The history behind the oldest commemoration of the abolishment of slavery in the US, by Lucia Suarez Sang UU加速器自己也能轻松无限试用3天 只要1毛钱接码 - 『精品 ...:2021-4-6 · UU加速器自己也能轻松无限试用3天 只要1毛钱接码 ,吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析| 官方微博 违规会员处罚记录 官方入门教学培训 开启辅助访问 【网络诊断修复工具】 …
Cathartic acts of rage, or the rewriting of history? How statues became political lightning rods, by Tim Lister The soul-searching about race prompted by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has extended into how the history of racial persecution and prejudice is remembered.

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  • Harding dies

    President Warren G. Harding dies in San Francisco of suspected heart failure. Harding became ill during his trip of the western United States and had just arrived from visiting Alaska.

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